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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 68, Issue 1, pp. 1-310

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Fiber Dynamics in Turbulent Flows: Specific Taylor Drag

Nicole Marheineke and Raimund Wegener

pp. 1-23

Anisotropy Reconstruction from Wave Fronts in Transversely Isotropic Acoustic Media

Joyce R. McLaughlin, Daniel Renzi, and Jeong-Rock Yoon

pp. 24-42

The Atomic Mix Approximation for Charged Particle Transport

Edward W. Larsen and Liang Liang

pp. 43-58

Stochastic Dynamics of Long Supply Chains with Random Breakdowns

P. Degond and C. Ringhofer

pp. 59-79

Creep, Recovery, and Waves in a Nonlinear Fiber-Reinforced Viscoelastic Solid

M. Destrade and G. Saccomandi

pp. 80-97

Activation through a Narrow Opening

A. Singer and Z. Schuss

pp. 98-108

A Spatio-temporal Design Problem for a Damped Wave Equation

Faustino Maestre, Arnaud Münch, and Pablo Pedregal

pp. 109-132

On Population Resilience to External Perturbations

Lionel Roques and Mickaël D. Chekroun

pp. 133-153

Effects of General Incidence and Polymer Joining on Nucleated Polymerization in a Model of Prion Proliferation

Meredith L. Greer, P. van den Driessche, Lin Wang, and G. F. Webb

pp. 154-170

A Hierarchy of Diffusive Higher-Order Moment Equations for Semiconductors

Ansgar Jüngel, Stefan Krause, and Paola Pietra

pp. 171-198

A Dirichlet-Integral–Based Dual-Access Collocation-Kernel Approach to Point Source Gravity-Field Modeling

Alan Rufty

pp. 199-221

Moisture Transport and Diffusive Instability During Bread Baking

H. Huang, P. Lin, and W. Zhou

pp. 222-238

Statistical Reconstruction of Velocity Profiles for Nanoparticle Image Velocimetry

Christel Hohenegger and Peter J. Mucha

pp. 239-252

Coupled Forward-Adjoint Monte Carlo Simulations of Radiative Transport for the Study of Optical Probe Design in Heterogeneous Tissues

Carole K. Hayakawa, Jerome Spanier, and Vasan Venugopalan

pp. 253-270

Identifying Scattering Obstacles by the Construction of Nonscattering Waves

D. Russell Luke and Anthony J. Devaney

pp. 271-291

Convective Stabilization of a Laplacian Moving Boundary Problem with Kinetic Undercooling

Ute Ebert, Bernard Meulenbroek, and Lothar Schäfer

pp. 292-310